- Iam Free Software enthusiast, with 4+ of experience in Full Stack Development
About Me
Free Software Movement of India
- Speaker, MiniDebConfIndia 2021
- Executive Committee Member, Swecha
- Initiative Lead for Fake News Detection Project
- Advocated and spearheaded Mobile Freedom Intiative
- Configured firewall for 10+ community services using pfSense software
- Mentored Several Projects in IOT and Datascience domain during Swecha Summer Internship 2019
- Speaker for FDP program on GITLAB in MVSR College
- Speaker for Two-day workshop on IOT at JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial
- Telugu Localisation Sprint 2018 - Organised localisation sprint on Telugu Wikipedia
- Coordinator for Project Oriented Training Camp held in 2016, CBIT
- Internships (2019 - Present) - Organised the event along with designing curiculum & schedules, mentoring projects and giving sessions
- Workshops (2014 - Present) - Organised and Co-ordinated many workshops for undergrads and developers in technologies ranging from security to full stack
- Sessions (2014 - Present) - Delivered Sessions on IOT, Full Stack Development, Data science and Cloud Native Application development in various colleges in telangana.
Candytechnologies Pvt Ltd
- Senior Software Developer - August 2021 - Present
- Technical Architect
- Increased Security of the application (https://syncoffice.com/) by implementing session management and OAuth protocols.
- Responsible for Cloud Infrastructure management
- DATA ENGINEER - TEAM LEAD October 2019 - August 2021
- Project: Covid19 Dashboard
- Built a covid visualization dashboard to integrate into our application
- Worked as a technical architect and lead developer
- Extracted data from several covid19 API’s and pre-processed them using python & pandas
- worked on optimising code and improvised site performance
- Automated ETL processes
- Technologies Used: Nextjs, python, pandas, Github, netlify, CI/CD
- Project: Election Maps
- Built an election chart that gives live statistics of election results
- Worked on the architecture of the application and the data flow
- Optimized code and implemented static site rendering which improvised site performance
- Worked on complex data analysis functions and automated the data flow in the application
- Configured Local, Staging and Production environments to support and ensure agile practices
- Technologies Used: Nextjs, python, pandas, Github, netlify, CI/CD
Vitwit Technologies PVT LTD
- Product: Brandowler
- Meeting with Brandowler team and understadning the requirements
- Been part of designing architecture for back-end and developed it
- Worked on API’s to fetch data from social media and newssources using python and elk stack
- Implemented sentiment analysis on the fetched data using NLTK
- Written backend API’s using Node js which served frontend in drawing analytics
- Worked on improvement of data protection and security of application
- Handled DevOps, Dockerized the application, CI/CD using jenkins ,deployed into aws
- Technologies Used:Python, Node js, ELK stack, AWS, Jenkins, Docker, Mongo,gitlab
Jochebed Tech Solutions
- TRAINEE ENGINEER Nov. 2017 - Aug. 2018
- Product: Inventory
- Built a monitoring system for in-house inventory and tracking of things inside the Inventory
- Worked on building backend of application using Django,Mysql
- Played a crucial role in implementing SDLC practices inside the project
- Handled DevOps & Docker Containers for the project
- Technologies Used: Python, Django, MySql, Docker, Github
Awards & Appreciations
- Winner, Consensus 2.0, Hackathon In Vitwit Hyderabad, India
- Appreciation, Special Appreciation Award towards outstanding contribution in the Organization, Vitwit Hyderabad, India
Organizations & Memberships
- Managing Member, Python Software Foundation
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Personal projects
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Hactivist at FSMI, Executive Committee Member at swecha, telangana and Electronics graduate, with 4+ years of experience in full stack application developement, data engineering and cloud native application development.
Senior Software Developer
7:50 PM
Member since May 30, 2016