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Kajal Gupta requested to merge patch-15 into master

Colleges all over Telangana have private buses ensuring safe and on time transport to and from college. This system has created trust among parents and students for faster and safer transportation. Though there exists a few problems which needs to resolved for which IoT can help us. The most prominent issue is bus location and arrival at our bus stop. Many times the bus may be late or stopped at a place due to traffic jam or any other issue so knowing the time of arrival becomes essential. Due to cause of heavy traffic and roadwork etc., most of the buses are delayed in time. At the bus stop students have to wait for long time without even knowing when the bus will arrive. Anybody who want to use the transportation system, can therefore find the time of arrival of particular bus at the particular destination even at their homes and plan their departure from home accordingly . Our main focus is to provide such a system to user which will reduce waiting time for bus and will provide him with all necessary details regarding the arrival/departure time of the bus, its real location and expected waiting time.

Edited by Kajal Gupta

Merge request reports